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Add additional Validation item: Outlines not fully in visible area

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:54 pm
by MikeW
I do love the new validation routine and category.

I work on a large number of script fonts, it would be really nice if when validating a font, a new item could be added: Outlines not fully in visible area.

Because of working a lot with script fonts, I get this error mixed in with the other validation items, but for me (and anyone doing script fonts with pieces way outside the LSB/RSB areas), I don't really need to review this error mixed in with the other validation options. Outline Issues already have their own section.

So when I run the validation on the current font I am working on, there are 99 Outline Issues mixed in with several other issues. It takes a lot of scrolling through the exprot to see the items I need to fix.

In short, this validation error is redundant due to the presence of its own category.

Re: Add additional Validation item: Outlines not fully in visible area

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:47 am
by Erwin Denissen
You are right. We'll remove it from the validation features.

Re: Add additional Validation item: Outlines not fully in visible area

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:46 pm
by MikeW

Thanks, Mike