Wipe ttf from css when expanding woff to other formats using online tools

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Wipe ttf from css when expanding woff to other formats using online tools

Post by outofstepfontco »

I saw Bhikku's response about using online tools to pad out the font-face webkit beyond just .woff

Question - if we're offering webfonts so as to restrict use to webfont only, doesn't that mean we should strip the ttf out of the zip file and strip references to it out of the css?
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Erwin Denissen
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Re: Wipe ttf from css when expanding woff to other formats using online tools

Post by Erwin Denissen »

Web fonts have been around for years, but unfortunately older web browsers all use different approaches.

If you want as many people as possible to enjoy your web font(s), you'll need to provide all common web font formats:
Embedded OpenType (EOT)
Web Open Font Format (WOFF)

EOT is actually the first serious web font format, but not open so only Microsoft really supported it in Internet Explorer. The SVG font format (not to be confused with SVG support in fonts!) is almost obsolete, as Safari Mobile 4.1 and below can only show web fonts with this format. WOFF on the other hand is a W3C recommendation, and since all moderns web browsers support it, will soon be the only format you need to provide. Almost, as it is likely to be superseded by WOFF2.

People still surfing the web with IE6 can't even view most pages without missing or incorrect page layout issues, so not seeing web fonts isn't such an issue for them. Otherwise they would have upgraded long ago.

On the other hand it isn't too difficult to provide 4 font formats instead of the two most common.
Erwin Denissen
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Re: Wipe ttf from css when expanding woff to other formats using online tools

Post by outofstepfontco »

Thanks Erwin
I'm going to go ahead and strip the ttf out of the zip and css.

That will leave eot, svg, woff, and woff2, maximizing compatibility without allowing public font extraction.
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Re: Wipe ttf from css when expanding woff to other formats using online tools

Post by outofstepfontco »

After spending too much time emptying .ttf files out of webfont zips and rewriting the css appropriately, it occurred to me that it's unlikely a web designer can design for web without a copy of the font installed in their desktop for use with Photoshop for example.

I've posted a question about the subject in a web design forum to get more insight into web designers' workflow.

Thanks for reading.
FC15.0 Professional
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