Arabic characters not linking correctly! What did i do now?

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Arabic characters not linking correctly! What did i do now?

Post by toma »

What have I done now?

Somewhere in the number of tinkerings with the Arabic glyphs I must've done something that disabled the "Linking" feature of the Arabic characters. I'll try to give a real brief desciption. Normally, up until about 20 minutes ago, the letters join together according to their initial/medial/ and final forms. Well, I don't know which glyph i must've "mis-entered" or "mismanipulated", but now, only the initial letter forms type out. The instrinsic medial and final forms do not conjoin. The last two things i had tampered w/ were: the Arabic vowels, some +=-% glyphs, and lastly tried to map MS Unicode Arabic Presentation A ligatures--which was my real goal. Any ideas?

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