Merging Fonts-replace glyphs

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Merging Fonts-replace glyphs

Post by drayon »

Fontlab Studio provides the functionality to Merge glyphs from one font to another. It provides several options, of note Replace Glyphs or Rename. It works in the sense that the destination font is the front most window, bringing up the merge fonts tool displays a dialog which lists the other fonts that are open of these to be selected it allows one to replace glyphs, if nothing is selected then all the glyphs in the source window will be used.

I have a font that i like named Skia it contains about 450 glyphs, the system font LucidaGrande has over 2000 glyphs so i really want all the glyphs in the skia font to replace the same glyphs in the LucidaGrande font but of course all the other glyphs in LucidaGrande i wish to leave untouched.
(I try this in Fontlab but it crashes, it seems to be creating multiple glyphs quotedbl quote.double mapped to code <22> an others) so maybe I can work around this issue with FontCreator?

Is this possible in FontCreator? here is some images of the tools menu and the merge fonts dialog showing the options.

Bhikkhu Pesala
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Re: Merging Fonts-replace glyphs

Post by Bhikkhu Pesala »

Try Copy and Paste Special. Check all of the boxes and select overwrite same mappings.

Then sort the font and delete all of the unmapped glyphs from the end of the font.
My FontsReviews: MainTypeFont CreatorHelpFC15 + MT12.0 @ Win 10 64-bit build 19045.2486
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