Fix Fonts

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Fix Fonts

Post by mgondek »

Am looking for information on how best to fix font conflicts. I have used font doctor in the past at other companies, and trying to convince our IT manager to runs this on our Universal Type Server.

Is the fix fonts link below from your company, and is this safe.

Sorry but there are to many trojan horse links and websites and wanted to make sure this link is good. Why is this software not on your site, would rather see this there, that on some site with ads, no user reviews, banner ads. This really runs the credibility of High Logic.
Bhikkhu Pesala
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Re: Fix Fonts

Post by Bhikkhu Pesala »

I used to recommend this utility to folks on the My Opera forums in the days that I was still using Windows XP.

It's not kept up to date. See this earlier thread. If you want to use a High-Logic product to fix font registry problems, try MainType.

I have been stung by these free download sites before, picking up some malware from CNET, when download Free OCR. It's a good product, but the download site is to blame. I had to stop recommending it on my own software reviews site.

I don't even know if it would be possible for High-Logic to stop freeware sites from hosting this utility, but as always, caveat emptor is the responsibility of the buyer — even more so if the product is provided free by a third-party.
My FontsReviews: MainTypeFont CreatorHelpFC15 + MT12.0 @ Win 10 64-bit build 19045.2486
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Re: Fix Fonts

Post by eossipov »

Hi, I have High-Logic's Suite, Pro Version, and seem not to be able to resolve the registry font issues. This have been going on since day one, (few months, since I purchased it.) and So now, I am looking for a fix.

1. The software notify's me through an embedded popup, you have X number of fonts in error.
the specific message states the fonts are registered but not loaded? ( I'm fuzzy on what exactly this means, and we're talking over 1000 fonts)

2. I click on the Fix all now : button

3. The list is cleared, giving one a false sense of issue resolved.

4. a few minutes later, same thing happens, sometimes with the same amount, sometimes a few more or less fonts are listed.

I have recently ran both a system and registry cleaner. (all clear on that end)

Now, in the last few days - my Photoshop* font list does not contain the name of the fonts in readable form. the output is evidently 'white" as their background, since I can mouse over and then see the font name.

This is only happening in Photoshop, to the best of my knowledge.

Thanks in advance, for any help, or pointing me in the right direction.
**Photoshop CS6 64bit and CC both installed, both having the above listed behavior.

Side Note: I recently added a new group, 150+ font families, at least 1/2 or better should have been new families. High-logic Main, See the families, reports I have them, yet, the "total number of fonts available" does not change.


PC, i5-quad, 250Gig Solid State drive; 3 external x terabyte drives;
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