Editorial (news) font classification?

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Editorial (news) font classification?

Post by nickel »

This is an example of a type of font commonly used in newspapers and other editorial, text-heavy publications. One of its features is ball terminals. I am wondering if there is a name for these types of editorial fonts? (Beyond the fact that they're "serifs," of course!) The attached image is from a 1983 L.A. Times and font engines have identified the closest matches as Times LT Std Bold, Thames Serial Bold, Pelham DT Bold, etc. But what I'm looking for is some sort of categorical name for these types of editorial fonts with ball terminals, etc. Thanks!
IMG_1722.JPG (2.41 MiB) Viewed 3646 times
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Re: Editorial (news) font classification?

Post by MikeW »

I think the closest classification you are going to get is Modern. Early on they were called "Classical" until it was decided they were new designs and they began being called "Modern." Neo-Classical would be another term you may find. They inherit some of the Didone's attributes, but in a less "in your face" way.

My two cents worth.

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