Why only one colour?

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Why only one colour?

Post by warhol »

Hi eveyone

I was on a work placement at Why Not Associates in London recently, and I was showing my folio and my Final Major, I designed a new font based around Wembly stadium, (when its Built), and I was asked if there is such a thing as a two colour font.

Check out www.foundrytypes.co.uk and there new fonts Flek and Plek, to get an idea of where im going with this. Its also in Graphics International.

My font is also based on a grid, and I want to develop it so it uses six colours. I know that it can work, you simply break the font down and save as six different files.

What are the forums veiw on this?, let me know.
Bhikkhu Pesala
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I must be colour blind

Post by Bhikkhu Pesala »

:? I went to the site, had a look at the font, but it was only in one colour.
Just a black font on a grid.

:?: What do you mean exactly? Can you show us a graphic image?
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I sent an image to your email.

Post by warhol »

:D It would help would'nt it. So I sent you an email with the image attached, I did it this morning, so it may be a bit rough, but I hope it shows what I'm talking about.
These kind of fonts would work well animated in Flash, because your building up layers words would appear then fade again, its almost organic.
Let me know what you think.
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