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Re: Cannot save project with 10.1

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:36 pm
by Erwin Denissen
We need to partly redesign the Find dialog, so this will take some time.

I think the default could be searching inside the current category. Another option would be how it works right now, add all GLOBAL matches into the Search category. Maybe we could add that as an options:
Search in current category, or search global (font wide)

All suggestions are welcome.

Re: Cannot save project with 10.1

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:51 pm
by Bhikkhu Pesala
I do not think that searching within the current category would be useful unless it is a large category as in CJK fonts. Even with 256 glyphs one can usually find without searching if it is within the currently viewed list. Users would be misled if not finding a glyph that does exist in the font. A glyph may not appear in the selected category if it has no mapping. I think the best method would be to do a global search and have a checkbox to filter the results to show only the glyphs found, no matter in which category they are found.
Find  Glyphs.png
Find Glyphs.png (4.1 KiB) Viewed 8169 times
The results are currently a new temporary category, through which one can scroll. The glyphs, one.sups, two.sups, three.sups are unmapped and do not appear in the superscript and subscripts category, but they are found in a search, while onesuperior, twosuperior, and threesuperior are not found.
Find Results.png
Find Results.png (24.5 KiB) Viewed 8169 times
However, if the "Filter Results" checkbox were not shown the matching glyphs would be selected in the glyph overview.

Re: Cannot save project with 10.1

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:06 pm
by BabelStone
BabelStone wrote:The new release seems better, and I have not yet seen the "Out of memory" error after doing half an hour of editing and saving several times.
Everything seemed to be working OK yesterday, but this evening when I opened FontCreator 10.1, every time I tried to open a project FontCreator crashed. It crashed every single time I tried to open either a new 10.1 project or an old 10.0 project or a ttf file, and also when I tried to create a new font project. I have rebooted my computer, and run FontCreator with no other applications running, but it still crashes every time I try to open a file. At the same time, I have no problem with opening projects with 10.0. I will try reinstalling 10.1, but am reporting it on the forum in case anyone else is encountering the same problem.

Re: Cannot save project with 10.1

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:38 pm
by Erwin Denissen
Can you please send me one such project file?

Re: Cannot save project with 10.1

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:33 am
by Erwin Denissen
Bhikkhu Pesala wrote:I do not think that searching within the current category would be useful unless it is a large category as in CJK fonts. Even with 256 glyphs one can usually find without searching if it is within the currently viewed list. Users would be misled if not finding a glyph that does exist in the font. A glyph may not appear in the selected category if it has no mapping. I think the best method would be to do a global search and have a checkbox to filter the results to show only the glyphs found, no matter in which category they are found.
So if one searches this way, we also need to switch to the "Glyphs" category, to ensure all glyphs that are found, can actually be selected.

F3 is currently used to Show/Hide the Glyph Properties. That should be changed, as it is best to use F3 and Shift F3 to search forward and backward.

Search also works in the Glyph Edit window, but there it always searches Global. I think that is fine for now, so I don't intend to change that behaviour.

Re: Cannot save project with 10.1

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:55 am
by Bhikkhu Pesala
Erwin Denissen wrote:F3 is currently used to Show/Hide the Glyph Properties. That should be changed, as it is best to use F3 and Shift F3 to search forward and backward.
Agreed. Perhaps Alt + Enter can be used for Glyph Properties?

Otherwise, take F4 from the Status Bar, and let that be without a shortcut. I don't think people will turn it on and off frequently, like they do with the Palettes. Note that Shift F3 is also in use by Colour Glyph Members.

Re: Cannot save project with 10.1

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:44 am
by Erwin Denissen
Yes, F4 sounds like a good idea!

Re: Cannot save project with 10.1

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:20 am
by Toxman
Partially related to the discussion: Toolbars today have many (often used) items. It might be advisable create new (root) menu item Toolbars?

Re: Cannot save project with 10.1

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:30 am
by Bhikkhu Pesala
Toxman wrote:Partially related to the discussion: Toolbars today have many (often used) items. It might be advisable create new (root) menu item Toolbars?
There is no need for it. Just right-click on any toolbar to see the toolbars menu.

I did notice, however, that the Toolbars submenu has some duplicated access keys. Now that the Statusbar has no shortcut key it might be good to have a rethink of this menu. I could only come up with a few suggested improvements. There are still some issues to resolve.

A Align or Distribute
B Background F9
C Comparison F11
D Drawing
E Members Shift F8
F Transform F6
G Glyph
L Glyph Properties F4
M Samples F12
N Anchors Shift F4
O Overview
P Palette Shift F2
R Grid
S Standard
T Tab bar
U User Notes F2
U Statusbar
V Validation F7
W Preview F8

Re: Cannot save project with 10.1

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:44 am
by Toxman
Yes it is true.
But the truth is, that right click never occurred to me! (on menu or toolbars - perhaps if I think of customize it). :shock: :D
Maybe there are more users like me? :)

Re: Cannot save project with 10.1

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 3:52 pm
by Erwin Denissen
BabelStone wrote:I have just installed FontCreator 10.1, and I am unable to save an existing project for my very large BabelStone Han font (43,542 glyphs) -- after about 30 seconds I get an "Out of memory" error. I never had a problem with 10.0 or earlier versions.
FontCreator 11 comes in both 32-bit and 64-bit editions. The 64-bit edition is faster and is able to allocate more memory, so this issue is now solved.

Re: [FIXED] Cannot save project with 10.1

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 5:47 pm
by BabelStone
Hi Erwin,

Many thanks for releasing a 64-bit version. I installed it today, and so far I do not have the "out of memory" rror for my huge font any longer, and I can finally save the font as a project rather than opening the ttf file every time.
