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[CLOSED] Mark-to-base cancels another mark-to-base?

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:10 pm
by בן של מלך
I have the pair of marks in the following letter:
You can see that when I use InDesign when one of the following letters appear:
And they have a mark of a type of scoring (I called it @mikum2) and immediately after another type of mark, in such a way that the two marks do not touch each other.
In all the letters nothing happens, but in these three letters, the second mark, its anchor is canceled as if it did not exist, and as if it does not belong to the same base.
why is it happening?
Problematic cases:
שְ֭ נַ֭ זָ שֶ נֵ זִ
Non-problematic cases:
אַ שְ נ
I emphasize that this is only in InDesign and not in Font Creator or Word.
My temporary solution is to create another mark to base at the end and define a mark filtering set.

Re: Mark-to-base cancels another mark-to-base?

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 4:05 pm
by Erwin Denissen
As you already indicate the problem is with InDesign, so you should first make sure you use the most recent version of InDesign. If the issue still persists, then report the bug with Adobe.