Some ideas for improving MainType v2.0

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Some ideas for improving MainType v2.0

Post by ericgl »

Idea #1: Add a cloumn for "Font Version". Sometimes I have the same exact font, only in two different versions. It would help to know which version is the latest, so I could delete the older one.

Idea #2: Add a tool in the Tools menu for checking font files for validity. I sometimes encounter .ttf files that are corrupted, but there's no way to tell until I try looking at its contents or try to install it.

Idea #3: Someone already pointed this out, but I too think that there should be a tool in the Tools menu for renaming font files according to the font name (and making their extension lower-case). Right now I'm using another utilty for this called Free Font Renamer v1.1 (which works great and is fast and it's Free!!), but MainType should defenitely have this built-in.

Idea #4: The Sample window should have options for coloring the background and the text (the user should be able to select a color for each), because sometimes a designer would be looking for a font and it would help him/her if the text and/or background are in the colors of his/her design.

Hope to see those features soon in the next verion.
Besides those few needed improvements, the application is wonderful!!!
So thanks a lot, MainType Team...and keep up the good work.
Erwin Denissen
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Post by Erwin Denissen »

Hi eric,

Thanks for your suggestions, I've added them all to the to-do list.
Erwin Denissen
Proven Font Technology
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:37 pm

Duplicate font find

Post by djames_wol »

Am I missing something or is this feature not available in Main Type.

Font Expert and Bitstream Font Manager both have it - and it is much needed.

Erwin Denissen
Posts: 11229
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Location: Bilthoven, The Netherlands

Post by Erwin Denissen »

Such a feature is on the to-do list, and we intend to add it later this year. Please let us know how you expect it to behave.
Erwin Denissen
Proven Font Technology
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:37 pm

Duplicate font find

Post by djames_wol »

Hi Erwin,

Bitstream has a better implementation than FontExpert.

It finds fonts with duplicate font names or duplicate file names, lists them grouped together with an empty line between groups.

Since I work with Hungarian which has some accents that no other language has, I need to uninstall the fonts in the Windows/Font folder, while installing the font in my Hungarian fonts folder. BitStream does this by listing each font with its location and a check box (actually radio control buttons), with the installed font checked. (It only deals with installed fonts in this process.) Then if you change which font is checked, it automatically uninstalls the one font and then installs the other - a very slick way to handle it - the best I've seen.

It came bundled with Corel Products for a long time, but is now discontinued for some reason on the Bitstream website. So, it looks like there will be no further development.
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