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Linotype website in French

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:46 am
by William
Earlier this morning I received a copy of the Linotype newsletter for April 2008.

An interesting development is that the Linotype website is now available in French.

To get back to English one may need to use the following.

This is a very interesting development.

I remembered a great debate in the United Kingdom many years ago, the debate about the Two Cultures.

I have often thought that many people who are good at science in the United Kingdom would not be able to express their scientific work in any language other than English. Most of them would, however, know some French as part of their general education, though by the nature of languages being taught by people who themselves trained as linguists, that learning in French would have a general conversation basis or a literature basis rather than scientific text basis.

The translations provided by Linotype may provide a good opportunity for those who so choose being able to learn to apply their knowledge of French together with their interest in typography.

I found the following two pages.

They are about the font Julietrose. However, they might possibly change after this week, so I found what appear to be permanent versions.

William Overington

10 April 2008