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Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:51 am
by William
In March 2008 I produced a font which I named Impressionist.

I produced it during some experiments as I learned how to use the Glyph Transformer of the FontCreator program to produce a bold version of a font.

I published the font on the web and wrote about it in the following posting.


Here is a direct link to the font.

Text displayed using the font is not clearly displayed, there being only a small number of different designs of glyph used in the font. However, there is something of an impression of the text, as, for example, characters with an ascender have a glyph with an ascender and characters with a descender have a glyph with a descender.

Indeed, sometimes placeholder text can look quite effective when displayed using the Impressionist font.

William Overington

13 June 2008