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Glyph Window Mapping

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:05 pm
by Matt Phillips
How does one get the Caption Window Map or Glyph Index to correlate to the key-ins? As an example, Arial Font $0394 appears when Alt-0156 is keyed-in. In particular the Alt-0157 creates an odd glyph and Alt-0160 doesn't appear to create any glyph. Is there a Caption that can be applied to display the equivalent key-in? Hope that makes sense and I used the right terminology.

Thanks for the Help

Re: Glyph Window Mapping

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:54 am
by Bhikkhu Pesala
There are different encoding systems. The Windows Alt + Numpad input method inputs the ANSI character code. 0156 is œ, which corresponds to Unicode decimal codepoint 339 or hexadecimal $0394.

You can change the caption from Hex to Decimal in Options, but it won't help for characters above 0126.

O160 types a non-breaking space character.

You can save all this trouble by selecting the glyphs in the overview that you want to view in the Preview Toolbar, and pressing the shortcut "P" for Preview.

If you tell us the particular problem that you're trying to solve, we might be able to offer a solution. Also tell us which version you're using as some features are not available in the Home version of FontCreator.