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minor edit, then could not use font

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:28 pm
by meamjw
I had a font called Kahoe Tech Latin Italic, which I purchased, so expect was copyrighted. Somehow the lowercase "o" went missing so I copied one from another font and pasted it into Kahoe, did a save then told FC to install it. FC told me I had to uninstall the old one before itI could install the modified version. I did what it said and then Kahoe was completely gone from everywhere. It would no longer load into FC nor into either of my font managers and it was not in my recycle bin nor in an uninstalled fonts folder. Catch 22 if I ever saw one. Can't install an edited version because a bad version is installed, but if I uninstall the bad version it takes all versions with it.
I was doing all this in the Windows fonts folder. Maybe I should have saved the edited version in some other place until I uninstalled the windows fonts copy? This was my first attempt at editing a font so I don't know much about what I'm doing.
Could my editing have triggerd some kind of copyright security?
Using FC 6.0
This is an add-on comment: This morning I discoverd another odd but closely related thing. I had two fonts in the Kahoe family, one of which is reffered to above, and the other was Kahoe Tech Latin Regular. The regular is still on my computer but Word will not use it, even though Word Perfect and Thunderbird will. That further reinforces my suspicion that some kind of copyright protection must be going on. Just to make it clear, the lowercase "o" went missing in both Kahoe fonts and I used FC to replace that character in both fonts. It's a puzzle why one vanished and the other will not function in Word, but will function in other apps. It's not a major deal for me; I wasn't in love with that font, I would just like to understand what happened.

Re: minor edit, then could not use font

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:38 pm
by vanisaac
It is possible that it was digitally signed, because a signature contains a sort of checksum that can detect if a font has been altered. Unfortunately, I don't actually know how to fix something like that.

Re: minor edit, then could not use font

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:11 am
by Dick Pape
Sometimes a reboot is needed to clean up font caches or buffers between operations. If you ever get it back you don't need to install in Windows fonts directory as it will setup a link to where it resides -- I let FC do the work in this.

Re: minor edit, then could not use font

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:25 pm
by meamjw
vanisaac, I wouldn't be at all surprised if you are correct. Please read my add-on comments.

Dick Pope, I have rebooted several times and this morning I had Windows search my computer for the vanished font. It couldn't find it either.

Re: minor edit, then could not use font

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:05 pm
by SteveMB
You might have to create a new "dummy" font and paste all the glyphs into it.