Stuck at Loading... how to bail out?

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Stuck at Loading... how to bail out?

Post by suechastain »

I've added a folder to MainType and now it is stuck with the "Loading..." animation in the middle of the screen and the processing progress thingy down in the lower right hand corner but it is saying it's going to take DAYS processing. What is the proper procedure to bail out of this? If I close the app and reopen, it fails to load. If I close the app, stop the FontService, restart FontService, re-launch the app, then it is back where I left off with "loading..."
Erwin Denissen
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Re: Stuck at Loading... how to bail out?

Post by Erwin Denissen »

You can remove the folder through the font folder dialog.

Is it a large folder or slow drive?
Erwin Denissen
Proven Font Technology
Posts: 10
Joined: Tue Feb 09, 2016 3:23 pm

Re: Stuck at Loading... how to bail out?

Post by suechastain »

The font folder dialog would open but just sit there with a green bar and nothing I could do in it. Anyway, I ended up leaving it alone while I did other work and it eventually woke up.

It was a folder with almost 3000 subfolders. Most of those fonts would have already been added to MT, and I just wanted it to add the missing ones, which is why I added it last. Anyway, it's working now, and I removed the keep in sync setting for that folder.
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