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Understanding Windows 10 system fonts

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:29 pm
by Stonyjohn
I have just upgraded to MainType 9 with specific interest in understanding the Windows 10 font system. There are many fonts installed on the system I will never use, so I thought it would be wise to uninstall them to release processing power and increase speed. Unfortunately, I am more confused than ever. In the Windows/Fonts folder are 181 files, but only 95 of them have file names listed.

As programs are installed and uninstalled over time, the system font folder grows, slowing the computer down significantly. I have no idea what fonts are installed each time, or if they are uninstalled when their associated programs are no longer needed. Is there a way to establish what actually is happening regarding font associations?

As this MainType version is supposed to work with Microsoft's latest update it would be very useful if the MainType User Manual included a section on how the system font folder works in relation to how it can be controlled by MainType. The way they are now presented in Windows is strangely foreign to me. I would much rather manipulate them through MainType than directly in Windows, but so far, after reading through the user manual and scouring this forum I am still largely in the dark - for instance: when the vault is created are system fonts included in it, and can they be manipulated like any other fonts?

Can anyone come up with a user-friendly explanation of how the system font folder is integrated with the vault. I hesitate to experiment in case I break Windows for good.