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Please use windows registry for saving settings.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:36 am
by StevenSh

Guys can you store all program settings in the windows registry like before? Like this much easier way to restore your own settings with *.reg file, than after installation restore everything manually. Using layout.xml not realy good idea.

Re: Please use windows registry for saving settings.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:53 am
by Bhikkhu Pesala
Personally, I don't think users should ever be expected to edit the registry. For expert users, saving a *.reg file is simple, but it is not user-friendly.

I am used to Serif Applications, where a whole bunch of settings and customisations are saved in %AppData%. The best innovation they had was to save layouts, toolbars, and menus in a Workspace Profiles. Users can have multiple workspaces, which they can switch between for different projects, or for working on different monitors. I have a dual monitor setup: 1200x1600 portrait as my Primary and 1920x1080 Landscape as my secondary.

I can emulate that by archiving layout.xml and saving different versions, plus I have a backup.

Unfortunately, toolbar arrangements can only be saved by using regedit. It would be better if they were included in layout.xml.

FontCreator also stores a lot of other customisable data in other %AppData% folders: Transforms, Complete Composites Data, Glyphnames data, and WOFF test style sheets.

Re: Please use windows registry for saving settings.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:54 am
by Erwin Denissen
The new docking system is not compatible with the previous floating panels. So when you come from a previous release of FontCreator, your previous layout is not migrated.

We intend to add a way to manage your layouts in a future update. It is likely those layouts are stored in the registry, but if we provide an export to file, you could import layouts on other systems.