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Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:40 am
by Bhikkhu Pesala
If you go to Tools, Options, Validation, and select local validation instead of global, you will find a lot more validation errors in your fonts. I'm not sure if it will make any difference, but it is simple to fix all of these validation errors with the wizard.

I presume that you have read the Panose tutorial in the tutorials forum?


Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:37 pm
by Dave Crosby
Hi Pia,

Perfect Panosing requires careful measuring and is hard work.

I prefer the spirit rather than the letter of the law.

What is the most eye catching attractive interesting aspect of the font?

2. Text is for standard serif and sans serif forms easily italicized.

3. Hand written is for flowing and non-flowing script where the tool type can be deduced. Brush, Felt Tip, Charcoal, engraved ...
To my mind, your fonts belong here.

4. Decorative is for those twos and threes that have been gussied up. Hollow, unusually tall or wide, picture backgrounds or stems and so on.

5. Symbol is for those that can't be used to make a normal sentence.

That first number is the biggest hurdle, and your decision.

Erwin is considering adding pictures in the next release to remind us what "Brush," Moderate Winding," and "Open Loops" is all about.

When in doubt, always go for the lowest reasonable number.

Nice Fonts

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:00 pm
by Dick Pape
I know a little about Panose so would like to contribute some calculations for your review. (Dave Crosby suggests Panose is best calculated by a committee anyway). You can average the suggestions.

Love's Labour: 3-2-5-2-4-4-8-8-D-4

Pan0 Type: 3-Script
Pan1 Tool: 3-Flat Nib
Pan2 Weight: 5-Book
Pan3 Spacing: 2-Proportional
Pan4 Aspect: 4-Normal
Pan5 Contrast: 4-Low
Pan6 Topology: 8-Blackletter Disconnected
Pan7 Form: 8-Oblique/More Wrapping
Pan8 Finials: D-Round/Open Loops
Pan9 x-Ascent: 4-Medium

XalTerion: 3-2-6-2-4-5-5-B-8-4

Pan0 Type: 3-Script
Pan1 Tool: 3-Flat Nib
Pan2 Weight: 6-Medium
Pan3 Spacing: 2-Proportional
Pan4 Aspect: 4-Normal
Pan5 Contrast: 5-Medium Low
Pan6 Topology: 5-Cursive Disconnected
Pan7 Form: B-Exaggerated/Some Wrapping
Pan8 Finials: 8 Tapered/No Loops
Pan9 x-Ascent: 4-Medium

Nice fonts.

Re: My useless fonts

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:07 pm
by Bhikkhu Pesala
I have added your fonts to my Serif Fonts Catalogue with a note on the Home Page about your licensing.