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Questions about the Character pane and Quick Search

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 1:01 pm
by mklaey
I have two questions about the Character pane and a remark about Quick Search:

1. What exactly is the difference between "Character Mode" and "Glyph Mode" in the Character pane? I did not find an explanation in the help documents.
2. Sometimes I want to know if a certain code point is contained in the selected font. Is there a way to search for a Unicode code point in the character pane without having to scroll through the list?

If I enter something in the Quick Search box, the fonts get filtered correctly. However when I delete the text from the quick search box, the font pane is empty and I have to click on a view to get the list back.
The "expected" behavior would be to show the full list wehen the quick search box is empty.

Kind regards, Matthias Kläy

Re: Questions about the Character pane and Quick Search

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:03 pm
by Bhikkhu Pesala
  1. Character mode lists all mapped glyphs in the font, grouped according the character sets. Glyph mode lists all mapped or unmapped glyphs in the font, ordered by glyph index
  2. Select the Unicode character you wish to search for in the Character pane and copy it to the clipboard. Paste it a few times into the Preview text field of the Font List. All fonts that include that glyph will be listed in black, while those that do not will be listed in red.
  3. The quick search creates a filter on your font library. If there is no text in the field after deleting it, then no fonts match the filter. Click on the library view or any other view to refresh the search results (but I agree it might be better if this happened if the field were empty.
Fonts Containing Hindi.png
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