Capacity Report

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Dave Crosby
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Capacity Report

Post by Dave Crosby »

From release date until now I have been using MainType 5.1 with around 25,000 of my favorite fonts and all has worked well.

Dare I really test it's capacity?
Last week I dared. I turned it loose on one of my collection folders with 175,000 fonts, some dups.
It ran for 9 hours!
MainType5.1-1.JPG (112.14 KiB) Viewed 26409 times
I now have 148,019 fonts in my library. Dare I add the other collection folder with about twice that number?
To switch from Active Fonts to Library now takes about 30 seconds. That is a lot of chugging, but MainType gets it done! :shock:
Scrolling through that many fonts as fast as possible will over-run the Preview text from time to time (on graphics intense fonts), but a few second wait allows it to catch up again.

This has allowed me to look at fonts I hadn't seen in at least 5 years and move newly appealing fonts into groups where I will at least see them again. WEll worth the test, and MainType passed with flying colors and kudos from me!
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Dave Crosby
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Re: Capacity Report

Post by Dave Crosby »

I lost my computer last year and just recently got around to re-loading Main Type on my new one.

I wanted to hand cut a stencil for my mail box. The "Tag Search" Works GREAT!
Using MainType I was able to quickly isolate 55 stencil fonts from my 142,000 (otherwise impossible to look at), typed my name and address message in to examine each of them and reject those without numbers, no lower case, too difficult to cut out, or -just not me.


I was able to quickly decide which one I liked best and wanted to use.


I printed ArmyBlackOutline (why waste the ink?) to desired size, cut it out with an exacto knife, taped the stencil in place, sprayed the info in blue on both sides of the mail box for a shadow.
I let it dry, then shifted the stencil a quarter inch right and up, sprayed with white. Looks great!

Thanks Erwin for making it so easy!
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Re: Capacity Report

Post by Alfred »

Dave Crosby wrote:I now have 148,019 fonts in my library.
Dave Crosby wrote:I lost my computer last year and just recently got around to re-loading Main Type on my new one.

I wanted to hand cut a stencil for my mail box. The "Tag Search" Works GREAT!
Using MainType I was able to quickly isolate 55 stencil fonts from my 142,000
Which begs the question, what happened to the other 6,019 fonts? :P
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Dave Crosby
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Re: Capacity Report

Post by Dave Crosby »

Alfred wrote:
Dave Crosby wrote:I now have 148,019 fonts in my library.
Dave Crosby wrote:I lost my computer last year and just recently got around to re-loading Main Type on my new one.

I wanted to hand cut a stencil for my mail box. The "Tag Search" Works GREAT!
Using MainType I was able to quickly isolate 55 stencil fonts from my 142,000
Which begs the question, what happened to the other 6,019 fonts? :P
Deleted dupes, useless error filled. Probably many more that need to go.
Starting over to get them in accessible groups is . . .

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Re: Capacity Report

Post by Alfred »

Dave Crosby wrote:Probably many more that need to go.
You'll probably still have about 125,000 more than I have!

Nice graphic, by the way.
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Erwin Denissen
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Re: Capacity Report

Post by Erwin Denissen »

This is from another customer, who has collected over 650 thousand fonts over the past 20 years:
maintype600k.png (30.31 KiB) Viewed 24514 times
After installing MainType it took more than a day to index them all, but after that it performs amazingly well.

While I had access to the computer I was able to look into some interesting statistics and discovered between 10% and 15% of those fonts were made with FontCreator. Probably way more have been touched/edited with FontCreator.
Erwin Denissen
Proven Font Technology
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