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Creating a condensed monospaced font from Courier New

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 6:00 pm
by brianh
I am trying to create a condensed version of Courier New. By 'condensed', I mean I'd like 0 space between characters. I tried using AutoMetrics with a calculated before/after of 0 - not it as glyphs get jumbled at low point size (I am shooting for a 9pt).

While using VIM (a text editor) I setup the "normal" font to be a "6x13" bitmap (FON) font. Then I set another font (say "comment") to "courier new" at 9pt. For some reason VIM condensed the courier new font but -- I like it that way!

Here's a screenshot to show you what I am trying to achieve throughout ALL the text, not just the comments, etc.


Thanks for any help.
-Brian (engineer / font freak)