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Voluntary Legal Deposit of Fonts in the British Library

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 6:22 am
by William
The following web page is about Legal Deposit in the British Library.

There is, as I understand it, at present no legal requirement to send copies of pure electronic (that is, not hardcopy) publications, as although the law for that has been passed the rules have not yet been implemented. That situation may well change.

However, one may deposit a pure electronic item by sending it as an email attachment to the email address stated on the page.

I have found that the British Library will accept pdfs and TTFs that have been published on the web for voluntary legal deposit and will send an email receipt if specifically requested to do so at the time that the email with the attached files for voluntary deposit are sent to them. I am a resident of the United Kingdom: I am unsure as to whether a font published on a web server hosted outside the United Kingdom would be accepted.

There is, as I understand it, no presumption whatsoever in English Law that a publisher is a business or an organization or that money is charged for the publications. An individual can be a publisher.

William Overington

9 July 2007

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:47 am
by William
I have found that the link quoted in the above post no longer works.

The following page appears to be the replacement. ... index.html

Has anyone else deposited a copy of one of his or her own published fonts with the British Library?

William Overington

21 January 2008