I thought I had it . . .

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I thought I had it . . .

Post by C »

This is my first ever attemt at a font.

I was working on creating a font, and it was going great! I was so excited so I saved it, and then, before I finished, I installed it. I was just so excited, I had to test it out in another program! So there I was typing the 6 letters I had made so far, ABCDE, when I decided to get back to work. So I designed my G, imported the image, still going great, and I saved my font again. When I went to look at it in Windows Font Viewer, I saw othing! It was totally blank!!!!! I tried to see it both wher the font is saved and in the Fonts folder where it was installed. Both were blank!

I have no idea what went wrong! Please help!

Also, if you could keep the explanation as simple as possible, even though I am accustomed to computers, and know more than most people my age, I am still a stupid 14 year old!
Erwin Denissen
Posts: 11232
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Post by Erwin Denissen »

By opening a font with Windows font viewer the font is actually (temporarily) installed. Changing such a font might confuse Windows and/ or the font viewer.

If you want to know how your font is going to look you can test (Select Test from the Font menu) it any time during the development process.

Some more notes that could help:
-Never directly save your fonts into Windows fonts folder.
-If you are reinstalling a font, it is recommended you delete the font BEFORE installing the new version.
Erwin Denissen
Proven Font Technology
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Nov 16, 2002 8:20 pm

. . .

Post by C »

Yup, then I confused it!

What should I do, after I finish of course, because I can still open my in font in progress? Should I save under I new name? Because I am not sure I can . . .I have the name not sticking problem too!

hehehehe oops!
Erwin Denissen
Posts: 11232
Joined: Fri Oct 04, 2002 12:41 am
Location: Bilthoven, The Netherlands

Post by Erwin Denissen »

Look in the help file for the Save a Font section.
Erwin Denissen
Proven Font Technology
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