Font for Mac OSX

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Mike F.
Posts: 12
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Font for Mac OSX

Post by Mike F. »

I'm in the midst of digitizing in FCP 5.0 an old Art Nouveau typeface. I wish to share this with a Mac user using OS X 10.3.9.

My understanding is that OS X users can use Win TT fonts just fine. Several online resources confirm this and I've forwarded to her the directions for properly installing the font that these resources advise.

No luck. She states that her "computer acknowledges it but displays only a few rectangles." (the notdef glyph, I presume). She also finds that the font works perfectly on her boyfriend's PC.

I'm wondering if there are any cross platform font makers here or others who may be able to give advice as to where the problem may lie.

I began this font using FCP's File/New dialog to create a new Unicode, Regular style font. I then pruned many of the characters slots that are outside the original Windows 256-character ANSI set. I've now created, so far, only the cap A through M in their appropriate places.

I've specified Unicode Version 1 and let FCP edit the two Character Ranges. Mac Roman I left as the other Platform. I've checked the Mappings dialog and all 13 characters created thus far are mapped correctly to both Win Unicode and Mac Roman platforms.

Any experience with or ideas about this problem?

I'd like to get this font usable for her. Otherwise, I'll have to find some way of doing a conversion or getting an OpenType version made for me.

I'm an intermittent lurker who has learned plenty from this forum. Thanks to all who contribute.
Erwin Denissen
Posts: 11239
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Location: Bilthoven, The Netherlands

Post by Erwin Denissen »

In case the problem isn't solved already, could you send a copy of your font directly to me? I'll see if I can identify the problem.
Erwin Denissen
Proven Font Technology
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