Cannot delete fonts listed in the "Invalid Font Resources"

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Cannot delete fonts listed in the "Invalid Font Resources"

Post by sqrl »


For some reason I cannot delete some fonts that are listed in the "Invalid Font Resource" dialog. Whether I select only one font to delete or all of them, the result is the same, which is: the "Font Operation Status" windows opens displaying all the fonts I wanted to delete showing the issue "Delete Failed" (See attached pictures) (the complete file path was redacted to keep it short).

The path for each font displayed in the "Invalid Font Resources" doesn't currently exist, while the fonts were previously located in the path shown in the dialog, they where at one point deleted. I have also recreated the same exact path where the fonts where located before I deleted them like it now show in the dialog but it didn't make any difference.

How can I get rid of those listed fonts in the invalid font dialog? Is not causing any issue but it just bother me seeing those fonts listed and not being able to remove them.

MainType Pro V
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pic-1.jpg (22.7 KiB) Viewed 2797 times
Erwin Denissen
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Re: Cannot delete fonts listed in the "Invalid Font Resources"

Post by Erwin Denissen »

We will need more time to look into this issue. For now just ignore the messages.
Erwin Denissen
Proven Font Technology
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