[ The alternative support question here would be 'does anyone know where to find a Korean font template for me to import?' - Google is letting me down and I don't know how to better narrow searches of '한글 2350자' for Naver, and that would presumably sidestep my issue below ]
Windows 10 / 30-day evaluation version / I'm coming at this only with a tiny bit of knowledge of glyph systems in design tools that I never actually have cause to pair with software usage, so I appreciate any 'explained to a 5 year old' phrasings for code point &etc related suggestions
I came to Scanahand specifically for creating a Hangul/Korean font and specifically from this video; Hangul isn't a stock template but I found a character set, Scanahand generated the code points, and created that as a template. The problem is that the 'reference characters' on the template are the code points rather than the characters, as shown:
The Latin and punctuation characters included in this template show as expected:
All template settings are on default, and to be thorough these are the details of my template:
Workarounds and solutions already tried include 1) Royalcomics' Scanahand PDF generator, trying both the inserted character option on their older version cut down to 200 + 100 character 'blocks', which resulted in a blank screen, and my (potentially inaccurate) unicode ranges, which resulted in an execution error 2) trying all versions of Hangul in their 'pre-loaded' sets on Royalcomics' newer version of the generator along with 'broken up' character sets (full set returns a 'URL too long' error, 100 characters return execution errors) and Scanahand-generated hexadecimal unicode ranges and 3) uninstalling Scanahand, changing my system language to Korean (it was already a secondary language option on my system, but that was the only obvious other difference between the Korean YouTuber I saw the tutorial from's system and mine), and reinstalling. As far a I know this 'visual aspect' of the template is for the user's benefit and if I were to write in the correctly corresponding characters the process would work smoothly, but checking back and forth with a reference list feels like just enough hassle that I want to avoid it if I can, so any advice is really appreciated!!
Code points showing on template instead of characters (self-created, non-Latin template)
Re: Code points showing on template instead of characters (self-created, non-Latin template)
Though RE: getting a Hangul .xml template, I did come across this completely unrelated coding class stream that used the first file on this cafe post, which is a script(?) in C that may or may not contain the information needed to engineer a template, but my Korean and programing knowledge are both too lacking to really know if that could be a starting point; that file contains the code below:
If this is anything from which a template could be generated, I would really appreciate some guidance!
If this is anything from which a template could be generated, I would really appreciate some guidance!
Re: Code points showing on template instead of characters (self-created, non-Latin template)
Sometimes you spend a few hours going through all the solutions that come to mind, hit send on a forum post, and then go "wait, didn't I see a forum post saying that someone had an issue because of the font choice?" - they had to do something else to insert a different Latin font, but there's viable options on the built in list for hangul. Tools > Options > Template, combination of hanja and hangul renderings.
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Re: Code points showing on template instead of characters (self-created, non-Latin template)
There is currently no way to show those characters in the templates, as generated by Scanahand.
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Re: Code points showing on template instead of characters (self-created, non-Latin template)
To display the character instead of the code point, set a font name on the Template page in the Options window that contains the specific characters.