Code points showing on template instead of characters (self-created, non-Latin template)

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Code points showing on template instead of characters (self-created, non-Latin template)

Post by grifshot »

[ The alternative support question here would be 'does anyone know where to find a Korean font template for me to import?' - Google is letting me down and I don't know how to better narrow searches of '한글 2350자' for Naver, and that would presumably sidestep my issue below ]

Windows 10 / 30-day evaluation version / I'm coming at this only with a tiny bit of knowledge of glyph systems in design tools that I never actually have cause to pair with software usage, so I appreciate any 'explained to a 5 year old' phrasings for code point &etc related suggestions

I came to Scanahand specifically for creating a Hangul/Korean font and specifically from this video; Hangul isn't a stock template but I found a character set, Scanahand generated the code points, and created that as a template. The problem is that the 'reference characters' on the template are the code points rather than the characters, as shown:
scanahand korean example.PNG
scanahand korean example.PNG (31.37 KiB) Viewed 16413 times
The Latin and punctuation characters included in this template show as expected:
scanahand eng example.PNG
scanahand eng example.PNG (27.08 KiB) Viewed 16413 times
All template settings are on default, and to be thorough these are the details of my template:
template character view.PNG
template character view.PNG (37.15 KiB) Viewed 16413 times
template code points view.PNG
template code points view.PNG (34.82 KiB) Viewed 16413 times
Workarounds and solutions already tried include 1) Royalcomics' Scanahand PDF generator, trying both the inserted character option on their older version cut down to 200 + 100 character 'blocks', which resulted in a blank screen, and my (potentially inaccurate) unicode ranges, which resulted in an execution error 2) trying all versions of Hangul in their 'pre-loaded' sets on Royalcomics' newer version of the generator along with 'broken up' character sets (full set returns a 'URL too long' error, 100 characters return execution errors) and Scanahand-generated hexadecimal unicode ranges and 3) uninstalling Scanahand, changing my system language to Korean (it was already a secondary language option on my system, but that was the only obvious other difference between the Korean YouTuber I saw the tutorial from's system and mine), and reinstalling. As far a I know this 'visual aspect' of the template is for the user's benefit and if I were to write in the correctly corresponding characters the process would work smoothly, but checking back and forth with a reference list feels like just enough hassle that I want to avoid it if I can, so any advice is really appreciated!!
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Re: Code points showing on template instead of characters (self-created, non-Latin template)

Post by grifshot »

Though RE: getting a Hangul .xml template, I did come across this completely unrelated coding class stream that used the first file on this cafe post, which is a script(?) in C that may or may not contain the information needed to engineer a template, but my Korean and programing knowledge are both too lacking to really know if that could be a starting point; that file contains the code below:
C file of potential use.PNG
C file of potential use.PNG (17.76 KiB) Viewed 16411 times
If this is anything from which a template could be generated, I would really appreciate some guidance!
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Re: Code points showing on template instead of characters (self-created, non-Latin template)

Post by grifshot »

Sometimes you spend a few hours going through all the solutions that come to mind, hit send on a forum post, and then go "wait, didn't I see a forum post saying that someone had an issue because of the font choice?" - they had to do something else to insert a different Latin font, but there's viable options on the built in list for hangul. Tools > Options > Template, combination of hanja and hangul renderings.
Erwin Denissen
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Re: Code points showing on template instead of characters (self-created, non-Latin template)

Post by Erwin Denissen »

There is currently no way to show those characters in the templates, as generated by Scanahand.
Erwin Denissen
Proven Font Technology
Erwin Denissen
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Re: Code points showing on template instead of characters (self-created, non-Latin template)

Post by Erwin Denissen »

To display the character instead of the code point, set a font name on the Template page in the Options window that contains the specific characters.
UseFont.png (48.35 KiB) Viewed 14846 times
Erwin Denissen
Proven Font Technology
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