Foundry column?

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Lt. Kernal
Posts: 25
Joined: Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:06 pm

Foundry column?

Post by Lt. Kernal »

I am curious to understand how MainType generates information for the "Foundry" column in the font list window.

It seems to get it from partially from the 1-4 character VendorID.
For example:
1.) Sometimes a font will read something like UNKNOWN-JK (there is no font vendor JK registered with Microsoft's registered font vendors) so it seems to add the suffix UNKNOWN if it is not on the Microsoft list.
2.) I assume "--" means no data for the Foundry (VendorID) entry?
3.) It will say: "FontLab Ltd. / Made with FontLab" when "pyrs" is the VendorID. In this case "PYRS" is the VendorID for FontLab, but it does not use "PYRS Fontlab Ltd. / Made with FontLab" and truncates the "PYRS" from the registered name.

So is MainType taking the 1-4 VendorID characters, comparing it to a table of registered foundry names, and outputting that to the Foundry column?
Is the Foundry entry considered "UNKNOWN" if there is no URL for the Microsoft registered font vendor, even if their name is in the Microsoft registered font vendor database?
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