adobe cloud fonts and maintype, bug?

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adobe cloud fonts and maintype, bug?

Post by Gethin »

I've just installed a few fonts via the Adobe Cloud app. I was wondering if maintype will let me view them and it does - but not well. I realise some of this might be beyond the developer's means to address...

1. I can view the fonts in the active fonts view, but they do not appear in a search. Is this by design?
2. Previews in the preview pane are very slow to render - almost as if they are downloading (not stored locally?). The sample text updates immediately.

I'm pretty sure #2 is a bug, because the preview pane shows the wrong font in the preview and keeps jumping around.

Here's a video of the issue
(i went to the trouble of uploading it, but this BB spat the dummy) :roll:

I'm on
Erwin Denissen
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Re: adobe cloud fonts and maintype, bug?

Post by Erwin Denissen »

1. Search only works with indexed fonts and the ones from Adobe Cloud are most likely only loaded. Not sure if Adobe allows you to store fonts, but you can export loaded fonts to your hard drive, and then index the specific folder. That will add the fonts to the MainType library, so they are searchable.

2. We have made several performance improvements over the years, but I am not sure if the current version is faster.

Version 9 is more than four years old. It is recommended to upgrade to the latest version, as it supports high resolution monitors and comes with bug fixes and many new features.
Erwin Denissen
Proven Font Technology
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