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How to Change the Space Between Two Lines of Text

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:21 pm
by Erwin Denissen
To change the vertical space between lines of text, you need to change the height of the glyphs. This can be done by changing the top and bottom bearing lines. To do this select Settings from the Format menu to open the Font Settings window and select the Metrics page. Here you can change the Win Ascent (Top) and Win Descent (Bottom). You should also update the other ascender and descender values. To update all values at once, press the Calculate button.

Finally, if your font contains a VDMX table, you need to remove it. Select Tables from the Format menu. If available select the VDMX table on the Unsupported page and press the Delete button.

If Windows does not locate the VDMX table in a font, it will calculate those values itself. This will take some extra milliseconds the first time the font is loaded into the rasterizer. With today’s CPU power there is no need to worry about that.

In case you do want to include the VDMX table, just regenerate it with CacheTT, a free utility from Microsoft. It can be downloaded from here:

CacheTT is a utility to enable the modification of TrueType and TrueType Open files. Modifications include creation/ modification of one or more of the tables VDMX, hdmx and LTSH by calculating and caching values obtained from the rasterizer. The resulting font is a complete and correct font.

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:36 pm
by guitarguy
Can you please defiine some terms on the font settings dialog box.

Type Ascender, Typo Descender, Win Ascent,Win Descent,Typo Line Gap,
Ascender,Descender, Line Gap.

What is the Default and Maximum parameters? When I try to change the win ascent and win descent, and then click calculate, it changes them to something else. I just want to adjust the line spacing in my font.


Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 11:25 pm
by Bhikkhu Pesala
See Metrics in the online manual.

A previous thread: Typo Ascender, Typo Descender and Typo LineGap

If you want to set the metrics manually, then don't click on "Calculate."

However, be aware that any glyphs outside of WinAscent and WinDescent lines may be clipped.