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Mixing Swash Serifed Italic with Sans Serif Italic

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:40 pm
by William
I was watching television and saw an advertisement which mixed a swash serifed capital as the first letter of a word with sans serif capitals for the rest of the word. I noticed the name Rimmel and looked it up on the web.

I found the following web page.

If one chooses a country and then proceeds, various different pages are reached, most using the effect of a swash serifed italic capital as the first letter of a word with sans serif italic capitals for the rest of the word. The page in Japanese is different. I cannot say whether the television advertisement used italic.

The effect of a swash serifed italic capital as the first letter of a word with sans serif italic capitals for the rest of the word works, in my opinion, very well.

I am wondering which fonts have been used.

William Overington

22 December 2008