Delete from group while show groups recursivly is selected

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Erwin Denissen
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Delete from group while show groups recursivly is selected

Post by Erwin Denissen »

What behavior do you feel is appropriate when you try to delete a font from a group while the "show groups recursively" is selected?

Say the font is not in that group but in one or more sub-groups? Should we delete the selected font from all sub-groups as well? Currently it will only try to delete it from the selected group, but if it is not actually there, then it might be very confusing as the font will actually not be removed.

I hope what I'm trying to explain is clear. If not do let me know!
Erwin Denissen
Proven Font Technology
Bhikkhu Pesala
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Re: Delete from group while show groups recursivly is select

Post by Bhikkhu Pesala »

I have a group called "Serif Applications" with subfolders for each application

DPX3 Program, etc.

Some fonts appear in only one group, but most appear in several groups.

The ideal behaviour IMO would be:
  1. If the font appears in only one subgroup, just delete it
  2. If the font appears in many subgroups, ask for confirmation (Delete from all groups)
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Erwin Denissen
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Re: Delete from group while show groups recursivly is select

Post by Erwin Denissen »

Thank you for your feedback.

With the recursive option selected, MainType can't tell if a font is located in one or more subgroups. So your suggested proposal is not easy to implement.

But before we decide how if and how to change the current behavior, I would also like to know the opinions of other users.

I'm also interested in what you feel is appropriate when several fonts are selected, from which a couple are located in several sub-groups, some in one, and some in the main group.

Without knowing where exactly the fonts are located in the recursive group, we could use a general question like:
Do you want to delete the selected font(s) recursively or only from the main group?
[Recursive] [Main] [Cancel]

You are currently viewing fonts recursively in the groups and its sub groups and as a result the selected font(s) will be removed from the group as well as all sub groups. Do you want to continue?
[Yes] [No]
Erwin Denissen
Proven Font Technology
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