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Font Creator 6.0, how do I join points?

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:42 pm
by JimmytheHat
I want this glyph to resemble a sort of elongated " ^ " shape (it was originally an accented " A "). I've deleted its vertical bar, but now it's completely filled in with black as you can see. How can I just join those three points to form a " ^ " ?

d.png (15.75 KiB) Viewed 3577 times

Re: Font Creator 6.0, how do I join points?

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:09 pm
by Bhikkhu Pesala
I suspect that you need a second anticlockwise contour inside the clockwise one. Look at another A to see how it's constructed.

Re: Font Creator 6.0, how do I join points?

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:22 am
by vanisaac
Ok, the top point (in red) is in a different contour, so you can either 1) select that point and one of the lower ones (hold shift to select the second point), then "join contours" (right click on one point). Or 2) remove the top point, then "add point" (again, right click) to the rightmost lower point. If the contour direction is correct, it should make a new point in the middle between the two bottom points. You can then move this new point up to the desired location.