Rotate Font around a cirlce - beginner needs some tipps

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Rotate Font around a cirlce - beginner needs some tipps

Post by prom »

I develop an app for a device that does not support to rotate fonts - therefore I need to create rotated fonts myself. My goal is to draw a text around a circle and the letters should look like they are placed perfectly on this circle.

I selected a font, namely google's roboto font.

In the upper half of the circle I want the letters to "sit" at the circle line, at the bottom half I want the letters to "hang" underneath the circle line, like in this image:
step-8.png (15.78 KiB) Viewed 11635 times

I'm a developer and font metrics are quite new so I have following questions (including a basic first question):

1) If a font is drawn at P(x, y) on a canvas then the font will draw it's P(0, 0) at this point, correct?
2) if 1 is true, this means that I just need to use the transform wizard and rotate the fonts around the "center or middle of glyph" and select the bottom left edge for the upper half circle - is this correct? Or do I need to do some additional tasks afterwards?
3) if 1 is true, this means that I need to transform my letters for the lower half around P(0, CAP_HEIGHT) - again, I'm unsure if I need to do any additional alignment tasks or similar afterwards.

I thankful for any help.
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