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[FIXED] setting Remove Overlap glitches out font

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 7:47 pm
by MBear227
if i set Contours to "Remove Overlap" in the Export menu, the font comes out messed up. if Contours is "No Change" then it's fine.

Re: setting Remove Overlap glitches out font

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 6:44 am
by Bhikkhu Pesala
The Gentium fonts are excellent. They are also released under an open-source agreement, which allows anyone to distribute derivatives, provided they do not use the reserved name.

I can see the advantages of the source fonts using components even for letters like lowercase d, but I would use Get Union of Contours before exporting the fonts. Then you can use the validation panel to fix any off-curve extremes or duplicate contours too.

This would work around the apparent bug when exporting them with remove overlap. You might like to save the edited version with unified contours so that you can backtrack if you want to make changes later.

I presume that your intent is just to reduce the size of the fonts. You could do this without deleting any glyphs, by not including unwanted glyphs when exporting.

Re: setting Remove Overlap glitches out font

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 1:03 pm
by Erwin Denissen
This is an oversight from our developers. The remove overlap should also remove hinting if available. For now either perform this operation prior to exporting, or make sure on exporting your font, hinting is set to either "No" or "Auto hinting".