Desktop icons resize upon using MainType

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Desktop icons resize upon using MainType

Post by damionm »


For some reason, when I'm using MainType, my desktop icons will resize by themselves and it's really annoying. I have them set to 48x48, but when I use MainType, they resize down to 16x16 by themselves. Is this just something with my particular video card maybe? I have a Nvidia GeForce FX 5200. I have the latest video drivers installed for the card, and I only have this issue when MainType is indexing and displaying fonts in the program. Is this a known problem? Thanks :-)
Dave Crosby
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More Info Please.

Post by Dave Crosby »

Are you using a Mac, PC, Windows 3.1?
Aut nunc aut nunquam
Erwin Denissen
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Post by Erwin Denissen »

You are the first who found this hidden feature! Now that it is no longer a secret, I better mention it on the website ;-)

Just kidding, I've never heard of this awkward side effect. I like to reproduce it, but need more information. What version of Windows do you use? What version of MainType? How do you set the icon size? Can you show us a screenshot?
Erwin Denissen
Proven Font Technology
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Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:20 pm

Post by damionm »

I believe I've found the problem. It seems to have something to do with the current (or then current) video driver (version/build) that I was using for my graphics card. I've installed an older video driver, and I haven't seen a repeat of that scenario since.
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